The IIPBA would like to thank you for your support over the past year. Our personal highlights include Bingate, Catgate, Riotgate, Gategate, DavidCameron'sbaldpatchgate, Hacking gate, Murdochgate, EricPicklesgate, Gaddafi'sdeadgate, PhilHammondshaircutgate and finally, EUgate. We've enjoyed all of them enormously.
Apologies for the lack of research most recently, the IIPBA team has been busy attending all of Westminster's most important Christmas parties including Rupert Harrison IV of Wingbourne's daisy chain party; a party jointly hosted by the admin teams in DWP and Defra at the Duke of Sussex in Waterloo; and the Speakers Christmas Eve soiret in which Mrs Speaker confirmed to us what a star in the making she will be in 2012. We have also spent a fair bit of our time in pound shops, asleep on London's public transport system and researching priority areas for 2012.
Have a ruddy good rest of Christmas season and we look forward to bringing you some more top quality research bollocks in the new year.
Yours forever and always,
The IIPBA team