Inside Housing beat us to it, but allow the IIPBA to introduce to you the new Sir Gus O'Donnell and head of the Civil Service, the one and only Sir Bob Kerslake. Who is he? Will it make a difference to Mrs Miggin's weekly shopping bill? etc

Sir Bob Kerslake is a man with a beard who has worked in housing and local government for over 100 years. His existing role is permanent secretary at the department for communities and local government where his main role is to tell Eric Pickles how beautiful he is. On 1st January 2012 he will move into the Cabinet Office where his job will be, amongst other things, to tell Jeremy Heywood off for acting beyond his remit. Word of warning Sir Bob, Jezza Heywood is a bit of a one. You should keep your eye on him.
Sir Bob will have his salary increased by £30,000 to £200,000-a-year to take on the new role. He is said to want to spend his new improved wage on lottery tickets, a new beard trimmer and taking his wife out to fancier restaurants.
Sir Bob will take up his new post on 1st January 2012. He reportedly said in response to the news: "I am delighted and honoured to be given this leadership role at such an important time for the Civil Service. But for crying out loud, who has a start date on 1st January? It's most unfair that I have to start a new job on a hangover".
Concluding comments
He's got a tough job ahead of him, not least because, as the IIPBA reported just the other month, this is the age of Jezza Heywood. He won't give up his era without a fight Sir Bob. Expect the hacks to have some fun with this relationship
Some background on Kerslake, new Head of the Civil Service: http://www.stopcp.com/cpcivilservice.php