The IIPBA's chief rivals, the Institute for Government, have done some (actual) research into the "business plans" which set out the progress Government departments have made on their top down targets. Franny Maude said that his "business plans" aren't the same as top down performance targets but then went on to explain that the Government has missed 25% of these non-existent targets. The IIPBA responds.

It's all that listening what dun it
An analysis of departmental "business plans" by the Institute for Government reveals that several departments, including DEFRA, Health and the Cabinet Office, failed to achieve almost a quarter of their targets. A DEFRA spokeperson said that these missed targets primarily related to the loss of a single cow on the North York moors in late 2010 and the failure to remove Hilary Benn's name from the letter heads of the departmental stationery supply. The Department for Health had a better excuse. They said that they were too busy undergoing the "Great Pause of 2011" to focus on meeting Maude's targets but added that they had definitely met all of their "listening targets".
The post-bureaucratic age - policy recommendations for Mr Letwin
The IIPBA have stuck with Letwin through thick and bin (get it? Good) and we think that its about time he paid the PBA more heed. Targets, targets, targets - that's all Maude talks about. The IIPBA believes that the root of the problem lay in these "business plans". We therefore suggest:
1. The scrapping of all Francis Maudes, including but not entirely focused on the one who works at 70 Whitehall.
2. The freeing of Civil Servants. Civil Servants by their very nature are libertarians; stifle them with red tape and you stifle progress. Remove the "red tape" paid for with "taxpayers money" and they will thrife. They will literally drown in their own creative juices. You've got to set them free Letwin. Like chickens in a field, the IIPBA is calling for "free range Civil Servants".
We're watching you Maude.
I understand it now,for me he really got a good back up plan for it.Targets targets targets.Those word a very great word if you have a problem in business plan.