To mark the 100th paper of the IIPBA, we write an open letter to the Grandfather of the post-bureaucratic age, Oliver "post neo-classical endogenous growth theory" Letwin.

An open letter to Oliver Letwin
Dear Oliver,
As you must already be aware, we are the IIPBA. We are a progressive think tank with a holistic vision to create a critical space for post-bureaucratic discourse and to be quite frank with you, have done a bloody good job of it so far. To date we have three twitter followers including celebrities David Walliams and Alan Carr. You will be pleased to hear that David and Alan have been very enthusiastic supporters of our post-bureaucratic crusade.
Our reason for writing to you is six-fold:
1.) We want some money - To our knowledge we are the only think-tank in Westminster who are actively producing post-bureaucratic material which is aimed at setting debate and changing public opinion. We are open to offers on the amount - half a monkey would probably do it.
2.) We would like an update from you on how you think the PBA is going - From our perspective one form to fill in is too many, so we are of the opinion that the revolution has only just begun and it will almost definitely be televised.
3.) We would like you to make Simon Hoggart of The Guardian a knight.
4.) We would like to invite you to join our board of trustees - Toby Young and (Sir?) Simon Hoggart are still considering their offers.
5.) We would like to ask whether we can come to David Cameron's birthday party on the 1st October
6.) We think we remember once Billy Bragg dressing up as a Roman to fight you in an election. Was this real, or just a bad dream?
Can we please request answers to each of these 6 points?
Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you
Ron Ford Golightly and Tim Massingberd James
Co-Directors of the IIPBA
Can we please request answers to each of these 6 points?
Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you
Ron Ford Golightly and Tim Massingberd James
Co-Directors of the IIPBA
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