News of Eric Pickles’ (commonly known in Westminster as ‘The Pickler’) Localism Bill has reached the IIPBA team and prompted us to investigate the following problem: Is Eric Pickles a doppelganger of ‘Mole’ from Wind in the Willows?

The Results
When we put the staggering aesthetic similarity to the British public:
• 32% thought that ‘doppelganger’ was a German techno outfit from the 1980’s
• 94% did not know who we meant until we referred to Eric as ‘The Pickler’
• 47% said that they would rather lay with Mole in his underground burrow than touch Eric’s pickle
Concluding remarks
1. Being the evil twin of a nature loving Mole could explain Eric’s urge to open our entire countryside to corporate development.
2. Pickle is an unfortunate surname for Eric.