An energy summit is something that David Cameron does on Monday's. It usually involves Steve Hilton's feet, energy providers and the political ghosts of several ex-No10 employees.

What do you get if you cross an energy summit with a Chris Huhne?
Yesterday Dave, Chris Huhne and six energy providers sat around in an artistically lit and moderately heated state room. Dave asked people like British gas to stop making record profits. Mr British Gas told him to "sod off" but said that he would arrange for letters to be sent to British households setting out how much they're going to rinse them for this winter.
Chris Huhne and The Telegraph then competed for the prize of who could say the stupidest thing. The Telegraph decided what everyone already knew, namely that the summit produced nothing. And Huhne said that the meeting had been "encouraging".
The IIPBA advises that you invest in a really warm duvet (13 tog) using polar bear, hollow fibre technology and a nice hot water bottle.
****LATEST - uh oh, Friends of the Earth have asked David Cameron to set up an inquiry****
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