If I may refer you back to Thinking Paper # 12, the following paper will discuss the same topic but in the context of God, the Archbishop of Canterbury and God via Ed Miliband. Our position on this key policy question remains steadfastly in line with that of TP#12, yes and yes.

People once listened to God via more educated religious spokesmen who prospered in an environment in which they held all knowledge. Over an unspecified period of time people became ever so slightly more educated, retaining a certain level of stupidity which they still have to this day, but learning just enough to begin questioning God and the teachings of the holy book. Secularism prevailed and the glamour model, Jordan (aka Katie Price) wrote three best selling novels each of which reached number one ahead of the bible and other such books. Some people still listen to God and the IIPBA supports this.
Ed Miliband’s link to God
Our Theological Research Unit here at the IIPBA confirmed for us that the Archbishop of Canterbury, as a spokesman for God, has every right to speak his mind on issues affecting his flock, who are, at a stretch, called the British public. However, it has been brought to our attention that in this instance, God may have been subject to political lobbying from the left.
Just last year and every day since the election, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said something along the following lines:
“There is an alternative to letting Nick Clegg and David Cameron return to business as usual pursuing policies which haven’t been thought through and for which people did not vote.”
Today, the Archbishop of Canterbury wrote this in the New Statesman:
"With remarkable speed, we are being committed to radical, long-term policies for which no one voted.”
In February, Miliband said:
“The reason why Cameron's Big Society is in such trouble is because the Government is making painful cuts.”
Today, the Archbishop said:
“The widespread suspicion that this has been done for opportunistic or money-saving reasons allows many to dismiss what there is of a programme for "big society" initiatives”.
Finally, according to media sources the Archbishop is rumoured to have prayed very recently to encourage Prime Minister Cameron to not go quite as far with his cuts and to do them not quite as fast. We don’t need to remind you that Ed Miliband’s duvet cover and matching pyjamas have blazened across them the very same political catchphrase – “too far, too fast”.
Is this an example of Miliband playing at the highest level of politics or is it just a biblical coincidence? We can't be sure. Either way, we feel strongly here at the IIPBA that God still has a role to play in modern politics, but not necessarily in determining whether the UK goes to war with a predominantly Muslim country (this is aimed at you Tony). Public discourse benefits from eclectic and widespread contributions, even from those of you who contribute to the Daily Mail comments page. In fact, the post bureaucratic credentials of such interventions are extremely good. They cut to the chase and get people talking about things. That's good isn't it?
Thanks for reading - I think there is 8 of you
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